Duration: 1 May 2012 to 30 June 2015

From May 2012 to June 2015 the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Vienna implemented the project "Assistance for the Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Returnees to Afghanistan" which was co-financed by the European Return Fund and the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Within the framework of this project, voluntary returnees from Austria to Afghanistan were assisted in their voluntary return and in their sustainable reintegration. Measures to support the project beneficiaries' efforts to reintegrate into their home society were carried out in a participatory and consultative manner, taking into account the individual needs and skills of the beneficiaries.

Within the framework of the project IOM implemented the following activities:


  • Pre-departure information sessions through IOM Vienna;
  • Reception assistance at Kabul International Airport, if required;
  • Medical assistance at IOM Kabul airport clinic, if required;
  • Onward transportation to project beneficiaries' final destination, if required;
  • Temporary accommodation up to two weeks at Jangalak Reception Center in Kabul, if required;
  • Information on mine-awareness.


  • Support in form of a cash grant upon arrival in Afghanistan: An amount of EUR 500 per project beneficiary, plus an additional EUR 500 for each adult family member and EUR 250 for each minor family member returning together with the project beneficiary, for addressing their most immediate needs following their voluntary return to Afghanistan.
  • Post-arrival counselling: Advice on beneficiaries' opportunities and options based on the local situation, their educational and professional background and their life situation.
  • In-kind reintegration measures worth up to EUR 3,500 to support:
    • Development of self-employment projects/Small business start-ups;
    • Vocational training/further education;
    • On-the-job-training placement/employment referrals;
    • Special Support for people with special needs.

The above-mentioned assistance was not provided in cash, but payments are directly made to the service providers/suppliers.

Continuous monitoring of the reintegration assistance was provided in the form of continuous contact with beneficiaries, and counselling sessions by IOM in Afghanistan. Additionally, a monitoring visit to Afghanistan was organized by IOM Vienna in order to exchange information and assess the level of reintegration of project beneficiaries.

In Austria, return counselling is provided by agencies commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Provincial Government of Carinthia. IOM closely coordinated all activities with return counsellors and was ready to answer any questions or concerns on an individual basis.

International Workshops for Return Counsellors were held in order to allow return counsellors to exchange information and experiences with IOM staff in Afghanistan and other countries of return who provided reintegration assistance to project beneficiaries who had voluntarily returned from Austria.

Project information in Dari

Project information in Pashtu


For further information please contact avrr.vienna@iom.int.

This project was co-financed by the European Return Fund and the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior.

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