In the framework of the EU Anti-Trafficking Day in October 2010, IOM Vienna presented the “Buy Responsibly” campaign in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs as head of the Austrian Task Force against Human Trafficking, the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Museumsquartier Wien.

The objective of the campaign, which was already implemented in Brussels and Geneva, and after the stop in Vienna took place in The Hague, Warsaw and London, is to raise consumers‘ awareness of labour exploitation by asking “What‘s behind the things we buy?”. The campaign encourages consumers to change their purchasing habits to thereby influence the conditions under which the goods or services they purchase were produced. For the visual aspect of the campaign, an oversized, upside-down shopping cart (5 x 4.7 m) was displayed in front of the Museumsquartier in Vienna from 14 – 19 October 2010.

More information on the campaign can be found at

