13 Oct 2021

Conference on the occasion of EU Anti-Trafficking Day Follow The Money: Financial Aspects of Combating Human Trafficking

  • Date
    13 Oct 2021, 12:00pm
  • Location
    Vienna School of International Studies

Trafficking in human beings is one of the most profitable crimes worldwide. Forbes Magazine estimates that culprits receive 150 billion US Dollars every year. Yet only a few victims of human trafficking successfully receive compensation for the mental and physical suffering they had to endure. Taking place virtually as well as in-person in the Vienna School of International Studies, the conference’s goal is to shine a light upon the hidden paths of the money in this billion-dollar business.

The Austrian Task Force on Combating Human Trafficking organises this conference on the occasion of the EU Anti-Trafficking Day in cooperation with the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC), the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the OSCE, and, this year for the first time, the Principality of Liechtenstein.

The conference is a public event and free of charge. Participants are kindly requested to fill in the registration form by 11 October 2021 following this link and register for the plenary session in the afternoon of 13 October as well as for one of four workshops in the morning of 14 October. Online registration is required.

During the first day of the conference, simultaneous interpretation (German or English) will be provided. On the second day of the conference, there is a choice of workshops in German and English language. The discussion of the workshop results and the closing of the conference will also be simultaneously interpreted.