


The international PLURAL+ competition has been held annually since 2009 to give youth from all over the world a chance to air their thoughts, experiences, and views on issues such as migration and diversity. The global video competition is implemented through a collaborative venture between the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

In 2012 IOM CO for Austria implemented a nation-wide Austrian video competition in line with the global PLURAL+ Initiative. Young people from 9 to 25 years were invited to submit short videos expressing their views on migration, diversity, social inclusion, identity, and human rights Prizes were awarded in three age categories plus for the categories Best Movie, Best Director and the Most Active and Dedicated Participant(s). Over 100 youngsters from 7 provinces submitted their videos to the PLURAL+ Video Competition. The Award Ceremony was part of the UNOAC Forum and took place in the Hofburg’s Ceremony Hall.

The overall objective of this project was to stimulate dialogue among youth about challenging and divisive issues such as integration and social inclusion, to strengthen youth involvement in these areas and to encourage them to participate actively in their communities in Austria. In the long term the project contributes to a better understanding of migration and diversity and enhances the awareness of young citizens on these topics.

Further information can be found here.

Links to the winning videos
Winner video - Category Age 9-14: Break down walls
Winner video - Category Age 15-18: Break out
Winner video - Category Age 19-25: Silent movie
Winner video - Category Most dedicated Participant(s): get2gether
Winner video - Category Best Direction: Diversity
Winner video - Category Best Movie: Equal

This project was co-funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior.

