Trainings for identifying trafficked persons and acquiring intercultural competences in the Austrian asylum procedure

The IOM Country Office for Austria has been providing trainings and networking activities to Austrian migration and asylum actors for a number of years. This exchange with public authorities and civil society organizations has allowed the Organization broad insight into well-functioning practices and daily challenges in the area of asylum and migration. 

The project “Asyl-Train II” aims to enhance the overall management of migration and asylum in Austria by improving: (1) the identification, referral and protection of trafficked persons in alien and asylum procedures and (2) intercultural competences and understanding in theory and practice among Austrian asylum and migration actors. Through an additional flexible training component the project can develop training packages that quickly and efficiently react to changing needs. The project is based on the previous projects IBEMA I-II and Asyl-Train I

The target group is comprised of:  

  • Decision-makers in asylum and immigration procedures: employees of the Federal Office on Immigration and Asylum (BFA), the Federal Administrative Court (BVwG) and the High Administrative Court (VwGH),  
  • Employees of the Federal Ministry of the Interior,  
  • Legal counsellors in the asylum procedure,  
  • Social workers in federal reception centers and
  • Return counsellors. 

A total of 35 training sessions will be held together with various external experts, including the Criminal Intelligence Service Austria, the LEFÖ Intervention Center for Trafficked Women (LEFÖ-IBF), the Men’s Health Center (MEN VIA), the crisis center “Drehscheibe” of the City of Vienna as well as the IZ (Organization for Diversity, Dialogue and Education). 

The project will furthermore initiate discussion and exchange between state and non-state actors on necessary protection measures for trafficked persons who have applied for asylum in another EU member state. Participants will identify options regarding transfers according to the Dublin III Regulation. 

The project is jointly implemented by two units of IOM Austria (Counter-Trafficking and Integration). 

Duration: 1 January 2020 to 30 April 2023

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Katie Klaffenböck
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Country Office for Austria
Nibelungengasse 13/4
1010 Vienna

Tel: +43 1 585 33 22 46


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This project is co-financed by the Asylum- Migration- and Integration Fund and the Federal Ministry of the Interior.