Duration: 1 February 2011 to 31 July 2012

The project “Enhancing multi-stakeholder cooperation to fight human trafficking in countries of origin and destination” focused on fostering partnership and networks between Nigeria and Europe. Additionally, it aimed to open direct channels of communication and develop standard operational procedures among law enforcement, judiciary and victim service providers in both regions. The project will contributed to preventing human trafficking by raising awareness about the complexity of the issue among relevant stakeholders and vulnerable groups.

The participating countries were: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Nigeria, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

The following activities were implemented in the framework of the project:

  • Development of an evaluation strategy, tools and survey
  • Study visit of participants to Nigeria
  • Travelling Film Festival in three regions of Nigeria in which human trafficking is endemic (Abuja, Lagos and Edo State)
  • Two awareness raising workshops for media in conjunction with the Travelling Film Festival
  • Study visit of participants to Belgium
  • Development of Documentary Film and Film Package for European and Nigerian audiences
  • Joint workshop on operational procedures of international cooperation in Vienna, Austria
  • National follow-up workshops in each participating country
  • Evaluation and impact assessment

These activities  improved support to victims of human trafficking through strengthened capacity in Nigeria and Europe and enhanced operational cooperation among law enforcement, judiciary and victim service providers in countries of origin and destination. The organization of a Film Festival will resulted in increased awareness about the complexity of trafficking in human beings among vulnerable groups and practitioners.


The 18-month project was jointly implemented by IOM, UNODC and the NGO EXIT in Nigeria and Vienna. It was co-funded by the European Commission and the participating countries.