GIVE: Grassroots Integration through Volunteering Experience

From December 2012 to May 2014, the project GIVE was implemented by IOM Missions in Austria, Great Britain, Ireland, and the Netherlands together with national volunteering agencies under the lead of IOM Dublin. IOM CO for Austria cooperated with Caritas Styria. The overall objective of GIVE was to enhance immigrant participation in aspects of collective life and to support the creation of inclusive neighbourhoods and bottom-up initiatives for local participation. The programme also contributed to enhanced positive public perception of migrants and diversity through a public awareness campaign.

Key facts

  • Each country produced a national report where practices of volunteering as a tool for integration were collected and analyzed
  • The country reports were merged into one synthesis report.      
  • Together a tool kit for supporting migrants as well as volunteering organizations was developed and translated into the language of the respective participating countries
  • In each country the volunteering agency organized workshops to raise awareness among volunteering organizations regarding the prospects of involving migrants as volunteers
  • A media campaign was carried out in each participating country in order to enhance positive public perception of migrants
  • Each participating country engaged in a matching processes, bringing together interested migrants and volunteering organizations

IOM Austria, Integration Unit

+43 (0)1 585 33 22 / 24, 14 or 19



The project was co-financed by the European Union and national authorities of the partner countries.