
International Women's Day 2024: Gender-sensitive integration policies and measures

On 8 March we mark International Women's Day. 3.5 % of the global female population are international migrants. The migration of women and girls has a long history. Being female can not only influence migration decisions and journeys but also opportunities and challenges at the country of destination.

Migrant women not only have an impact on their own and their family members’ integration in the country of destination but can contribute to the global development agenda, specifically the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Looking at financial remittances for example, women are more likely to send home a higher proportion of their earnings more frequently and to a larger number of family members. Moreover, when migrant women become an income provider, this can change their status in the family and/or community. This effect on gender power relations may increase women’s influence on decisions in general and can promote broader social, cultural, economic and political changes in the long term.

In 2022, a study of the European Migration Network (EMN) focused on this important topic of the integration of migrant women.  The study analyses if and to what extent EMN Member States consider the distinct situation of migrant women in their integration policies and measures. The study aims to provide information that support policymakers in developing gender-sensitive integration policies and measures, taking the respective backgrounds of migrant women into account. An overview of research and statistics available at European and national level on the integration opportunities and challenges of migrant women is also provided.

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SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 5 - Gender Equality